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Šarišské múzeum Bardejov
Šarišské múzeum

Department of Natural Sciences


The Natural Scientific Section was started by Tibor Weisz, Ph.D., in 1956. The biggest emphasis was laid on collection activities. In terms of the number of items, it is currently the second largest natural scientific collection in Slovakia. It contains about 700,000 items. The material documents the nature of the northern parts of the Slovak western and eastern Carpathians and of the Slovak part of the eastern Panonian Basin. The basis of the collections are natural items collected by the staff of the Šariš Museum's Natural Scientific Section in the collection areas of Čergov, Busov, Ľubovnianska vrchovina, but also in other areas of eastern Slovakia: Pieniny, Tatry, Bukovské vrchy, Eastern Slovak Lowlands, Zemplínske vrchy, Slovenský kras, and other regions of Slovakia. Besides the documentation material of the domestic origin, there are also natural items from Hungary, Romania, former Yugoslavia, Poland, Germany, Scandinavia, Cuba, Argentina, India, and Africa. As the only regional museum in Slovakia, it owns a representative collection of fauna from all zoogeographical areas, which were obtained by purchase, exchange or during own expeditions. The first display was opened to the public in 1957. The current display was opened in 1986 under a name 'The Nature of North-Eastern Slovakia and Its Conservation'.



M.Sc. Tomáš JÁSZAY, PhD.



  • Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera (faunistics, ecology, conservation)

  • Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae (faunistics, taxonomy, ecology, conservation)


Scientific research:

  • Inventory research of beetles in peat soil areas of eastern Slovakia
    (protected landscape areas NPR Motrogon, NPR Podstavka, PR Ďurová mláka)

  • Revision of palearctic species of subgenus Zyras. (Co-author Peter Hlavac)



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Šarišské múzeum
Radničné námestie 27
085 01 Bardejov

Tel.: 00421-54-472 2630
Fax.: 00421-54- 472 4966
e-mail: sarmus@nextra.sktomasjaszay@nextra.sk



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